What we do
We are creating written, audio and video materials: podcasts, lectures, articles, and more, publishing on a daily basis. In order to promote in Poland a better knowledge and understanding of the doctrines of the Christian faith as taught by the Protestant Reformers and English Puritans we are sharing content from authors like JC Ryle, AW Pink, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Boston and Charles Spurgeon. Not only are we translating new materials into Polish but also promoting publications of these authors that have been published in the Polish language but are not well known. The website also contains many resources from contemporary authors: David Jackman, Stuart Olyott, Derek Prime, Mark Dever, DA Carson, John Piper, Sinclair Ferguson, Kevin DeYoung and others. Every resource is faithfully translated into the Polish language and available to everyone completely free of charge.
Click here to read about our project on European Mission Fellowship website.
The need
Christians in Poland are in great need. In a country of 38 million people, there are fewer than 600 evangelical churches, the majority of which tend to be decidedly charismatic, and there are very few trustworthy resources available to help the church. This means that there is an ongoing susceptibility of Christians falling prey to the prosperity gospel, the word of faith movement and other forms of shallow, unhealthy theology. Put simply, in Poland there is an enormous need for theologically sound and culturally relevant materials and resources.
How you can help
The Gospel in the Centre is operating under umbrella of Evangelical Church in Siedlce. We rely on external support from people, churches and organisations who want to help us in creating access to the healthy Christian resources. If you wish to support this ministry, please click below.